Press start to play the game :)
How do I play the game?
Everything works just like the classical Tetris you've all been used to. Use the following direction keys to play:
- Keyboard ↓ - Move down
- Keyboard → - Move right
- Keyboard ← - Move left
- Keyboard ↑ - Rotate
Awesome stuff! Who built this?
This project was built with love by Valindo Godinho (@Valindogodinho) and Kahlil Abreu(kahlil.abreu) for a 2 week intership programme at VacationLabs. We picked up Javascript from scratch along with HTML5 and CSS3. A shout out to everyone at VacationLabs who offered the right kind of enviroment and guidance for this project. And finally a mention to good 'ol Google :)
Love what you guys did. How do we signup for something like this?
Send a shout out to the guys at Vacation Labs here or by mail. They're a bunch of busy guys but they'll surely get back to you!